EVE OF by Lauren Armstrong

The guardian nymph of a petrified planet is brought to life by a storm of fish – a creation myth. Animated in the traditional style, using pen, paper & light table. WW0711 statement: A short to lose yourself within. Virtuoso. Director: Lauren Armstrong Composer: RJordan Tager Advisors: Amy Kravitz, Steve Subotnick, Christy Karacus, Tim Geraghty,…

2050 by Lupashko Alexandra

The future has come. But some would like to stay in the past. WW0711 statement: Wonderful. On the point. That is how a Weird Short has got to be. Also a plus: That is strong female directing! Director: Lupashko Alexandra Writer: Kulik Eugeniy Producer: Naumov Alexander Key Cast: Kulik Eugeniy, Medvedev Vadim, Goriaslavec Vladimir Genre:…

SPORES by Tommy Bardal

A woman moves into a new apartment but something sinister is growing on the wall. She tries to fight it but it slowly consumes her. WW0711 statement: We love spore-transformation-mutation-grossout-shocking films. Very well staged! Director: Tommy Bardal Writer: Tommy Bardal Producer: Didrik Bjerkomp Key Cast: Margrete Ngo Country of Origin: Norway Film Genre: Horror, Mutation…

IT’S A BOY by Simon Albin

A young mother is getting more and more estranged with her own baby. Overwhelmed by the situation she can only think of one explanantion for her un-motherly thoughts: Her child was replaced with an identical doppelgänger WW0711 statement: Very beautiful and sensitive film. It’s topic must be shown and must arrive in a modern days…

FOLLOWED by Georg Schmithüsen

When a stalker realizes he is being stalked it warps his reality and wrecks his sense of self. Is he a perp? A victim? Is he worthy of love? WW0711 statement: FOLLOWED remains mysterious and interesting until the end. Director: Georg Schmithüsen Writer: Georg Schmithüsen Producer: Georg Schmithüsen Music: Jeremy Blackman Key Cast: Vincent, Tia and…

JOHNNY COLORADO by Alejandro Espinoza and Michael Benton

Johnny, a drug-addicted wayward deplorable, runs into the harsh realities of the workforce. WW0711 statement: A total disassembly of good old America. We follow the sympathetic Johnny somewhere through the windings between comedy and tragedy. Director: Alejandro Espinoza, Michael Benton Writer: Alejandro Espinoza, Michael Benton Producer: Alejandro Espinoza, Michael Benton Key Cast: Daniel Baldock, Doyle Reynolds…