“Radamanth” is a thought-provoking short film that explores the concept of mortality and the role of death in human existence. Radamanth, a god-like being, encounters Thelia, a captivating goddess. With Thelia by his side, Radamanth discoveres the beauty of Earth and how its people live their lifes. Moved and frustrated by the lack of passion and vitality in human actions, Radamanth devises the plan to introduce death to humanity, believing it will infuse their lives with meaning. But the consequences of his actions unfold in unforeseen ways. “Radamanth” challenges viewers to contemplate the nature of mortality, the value of a limited lifespan, and the pursuit of passion and purpose in our own lives.
WW0711 statement: Maybe a tad pretentious but the mixture of rough and glossy stylistic elements is really cool!
Director, Writer, Producer: Alexander Schmitt
Key Cast: Molly Oswald-Jackson