When a white civil servant goes to his Nigerian girlfriend’s family home to ask for their blessing, he is forced to face the darkness hidden in his history. The premise for NZU was born out of the desire to examine the idea of reparation. In telling Hamish’s story, I aimed to bring forward the unease and vulnerability inherent in being the cultural “other” while placing a mirror in front of him and consequently the audience. Looking back wasn’t designed merely as a shock element but as a revelation: Can one genuinely advocate for societal progression without fully comprehending the roots of the disparity?
WW0711 statement: Film as a weapon! Sharply staged chamber piece with an agenda and some gnarly images.
Director, Writer: Conscian Morgan
Writer: Will Clempner
Producer: Remi Shaham, David Worthen, Jenna Cavelle, Arbi Pedrossian, Valerie Steinberg
Key Cast: Joseph Mydell, Shaun Yusuf McKee, Rebecca Layoo