TREELINE by Freddie Bonfanti

11-year-old Neil ventures into local woods to find his missing brother Vincent, only to discover a truth that challenges the community’s accusations against their father. Now as a director, Freddie Bonfanti applies the lessons from his journey to create films that are both engaging and visually appealing. He is appreciated for his sensitivity to lighting…


RADAMANTH by Alexander Schmitt

“Radamanth” is a thought-provoking short film that explores the concept of mortality and the role of death in human existence. Radamanth, a god-like being, encounters Thelia, a captivating goddess. With Thelia by his side, Radamanth discoveres the beauty of Earth and how its people live their lifes. Moved and frustrated by the lack of passion…


Stuttgarts erstes eigenes Genre-Filmfestival!

Liebe Film- und Kino-Fans, nach acht Jahren monatlichen Genre-Schabernacks in den Stuttgarter Innenstadtkinos ist es endlich so weit: die “Weird Wednesday 0711”- Reihe erhält Zuwachs, und der hat es in sich. Über vier Tage hinweg präsentieren wir euch insgesamt 15 Spielfilme – darunter fünf Klassiker und eine Dokumentation – sowie ein sattes Rahmenprogramm inklusive diversen…


Weird Wednesday #93

16.08.2023 – 20:30 LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS (OV, 1986) Weird Wednesday 0711 #93 @ Innenstadtkinos Stuttgart TICKETS |  FB-EVENT | INSTAGRAM Seymour Krelborn is a nerdy orphan working at Mushnik’s, a flower shop in urban Skid Row. He harbors a crush on fellow co-worker Audrey Fulquard, and is berated by Mr. Mushnik daily. One day as…
